How Long Do Edibles Take to Kick In: A Detailed Guide

In Toronto, you’re eager to try those delicious-looking edibles, but a little voice in your head keeps whispering, “How long do edibles take to kick in?”. It’s a common question, especially for first-timers. And maybe you’re hesitant to ask for fear of looking inexperienced. Well, let’s clear the air – it’s perfectly normal to wonder because, let’s be real, timing is everything. 

In this article, we’ll explore the fascinating world of edibles and finally give you a clear answer to the question, “How long do edibles take to kick in?”

Table of Contents

The Science Behind the Edible Experience

Unlike smoking or vaping, where cannabinoids rapidly enter the bloodstream through the lungs, edibles take a more leisurely route. Edibles get processed like any other food – through your digestive system.

Think of it as a scenic tour compared to a quick sprint. When ingesting an edible, it travels to your stomach and then to the liver. THC transforms into 11-hydroxy-THC (11-OH-THC), a more potent form in the liver. This powerhouse compound enters your bloodstream and journeys to your brain, where it interacts with your endocannabinoid system, producing the euphoric effects.

Why the Wait?

This complex digestive and metabolic adventure is precisely why edibles take longer to kick in. The process of breaking down, absorbing, and converting THC into 11-OH-THC takes time, typically between 30 minutes to two hours. Peak effects are usually felt around 2-3 hours after consumption, with the entire experience potentially lasting 4-12 hours.

Factors That Influence "How Long Do Edibles Take to Kick in?"

While 30 to 90 minutes might seem like the magic window, several factors influence the onset and duration of edible effects.


It might sound obvious, but a higher dose generally translates to a faster onset. This occurs because there's a higher concentration of THC to be processed. If you are just starting your edibles journey, always start with a microdose (2.5-5 mg or less). This will let you see how your body responds.


Our bodies process substances differently, and metabolism plays a big part in this. People with faster metabolisms tend to experience effects sooner as their system works through digestion and absorption quicker.

What's in Your Stomach?

Food matters. Eating edibles on an empty stomach generally leads to a faster onset, sometimes within 30 minutes, as the digestive system doesn't have other foods to process. But be warned; the high may hit you much stronger, particularly if you don't have an established tolerance. Research shows that high-fat foods may intensify and extend the effects of edibles because THC is fat-soluble.

Your Unique Biology

Individual factors such as body mass index (BMI), tolerance to THC, and even gender play a role in how long edibles take to kick in.

Edible Type and Potency

Edibles come in a rainbow of options. From gummies to brownies, the type of edible you choose can impact onset. So, yes, "how long do edibles take to kick in" depends, in part, on what kind of edible cannabis products are being consumed. Gummies tend to be absorbed faster because they are already partially broken down.

Edible Type Typical Onset Time

Gummies 30-60 minutes

Chocolates 45-90 minutes

Baked Goods 60-120 minutes

Capsules/Tinctures 30-45 minutes (sublingual) 60-90 minutes (oral)

And, of course, potency matters too. Edibles with higher concentrations of THC will feel more intense. This isn't about speed to kick in, though - it's about the intensity of the high.

Why do People Prefer Edibles Over Smoking Cannabis?

Now that you have an answer to "How long do edibles take to kick in?" you may also wonder why some people choose this longer, less predictable journey. The fact is, for many people, edibles offer some appealing advantages over smoking.

Long-Lasting Effects

An edible high is a marathon, not a sprint, which appeals to people who enjoy sustained psychoactive effects.

Discreet Consumption

Edibles offer a discreet way to enjoy cannabis - just pop a gummy, no smoke, no smell.

Precise Dosing

Edibles usually come pre-dosed, giving you greater control over how much THC you consume. Smoking, on the other hand, is a bit of a guessing game.

Variety and Taste

The culinary world of edibles has exploded. Today's options include everything from gourmet chocolates to refreshing beverages.

A Word on TAC

You've gotten this far, and now you're an expert on "how long do edibles take to kick in," but have you heard of TAC? TAC, or total active cannabinoids, is the total percentage of all active cannabinoids present in a cannabis product.

While THC represents the main psychoactive compound and plays the lead role in the "high" experience, it's joined by a supporting cast of other cannabinoids, like CBD, CBG, and more. Each of these has its own properties, and together, they contribute to what's known as the entourage effect.

TAC, measured as a percentage, reflects this collaborative effort and provides a broader picture of an edible product's potency.

Get Ready for Your Edible Adventure in Toronto!

So there you have it. How long do edibles take to kick in? It's a matter of biology, edible type, and several other individual factors, and could range from a swift 30 minutes to a leisurely 2 hours.

Now that you understand how long do edibles take to kick in and what factors can affect it, you're empowered to experiment. Enjoy the ride. Just remember – start low, be patient, and have a happy adventure.

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FAQs about how long edibles take to kick in

How long does it take for an edible high to kick in?

On average, edible effects take around 30 to 90 minutes to kick in, peaking around 2-3 hours after consumption. But keep in mind the factors we've discussed; your personal experience might differ.

What does an edible high feel like?

It's a common question. Unlike the heady rush from smoking cannabis, edibles tend to produce a heavier, more body-centered high. You may feel deep relaxation, euphoria, and even heightened sensory experiences. Some describe the edible high as "being in the moment" rather than a fleeting high. Keep in mind that edible effects can be influenced by your surroundings and the people around you.

Why do edibles take 2 hours?

Imagine this: edibles are on a mission through your body, needing to navigate your digestive tract and be metabolized by your liver. The average edible trip can last up to two hours for all this exploration to happen. That's why the onset time is more gradual than the instant high from smoking or vaping.

How strong is a 50mg gummy edible?

A 50mg gummy is a HIGH dose – far beyond a microdose. Only seasoned THC consumers should even think about going anywhere near 50mg of THC.

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